A Number of Ways

Helping Those Injured In Violent Crimes
If you've been a victim of assault or battery, you know that it can be an incredibly traumatic experience. While the event is frightening enough if you do recognize the intruder, it's that much scarier if you're being assaulted by a complete stranger.
Either way, there is no need to suffer alone. The Reyna Law Firm, P.C., can help.
Was The Property Owner At Fault?
When someone falls victim to an assault or battery, it is typically due to the failure of protection on the premise (i.e., apartment complex, home, business). Inadequate security allows the premises to become unsafe, resulting in conditions that may foster violent crimes like battery and assault.
Some examples of inadequate security include:
- Broken gate and door locks
- Poorly lit entrances
- Not enough/no security guards
- Nonworking security cameras
- Improper window latches
If you were the victim of a criminal attack on someone else's property, you may still be entitled to compensation.
Legal Assistance For Victims Of A Criminal Attack
Tucson personal injury attorney Ron Reyna is dedicated to protecting your rights. Along with his extensive legal experience, his medical background can be of assistance when determining the type of medical treatment you may need after your attack.
Arizona attorney Ron Reyna will help you:
- Identify who is to blame for the attack: the negligent property owner or occupier, or a third party
- Figure out whether or not the owner of the premises where you were attacked did enough to maintain safety and security
- Determine if there is a history of criminal activity on the premise
- Receive medical treatment at little or no initial cost to you
At The Reyna Law Firm, we strive to bring your violent crime case to justice. No one deserves to endure the negative physical and emotional effects an assault or battery can cause you or your loved one without rightful compensation.
Talk To A Lawyer Today
If you are a victim of assault or battery, call The Reyna Law Firm today at 520-784-7200, or contact us online. Tucson personal injury lawyer Ron Reyna is ready to help you get the compensation and medical treatment you deserve. We are available on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or evenings and weekends by request.
Se habla español — Spanish language services available