Nursing Home Abuse & Neglect Archives
Congress attempts to address nursing home abuse and neglect
"Elder abuse" is a familiar term to many of our readers in Arizona. It is a term that is, unfortunately, becoming more widely known as elder abuse and neglect gains more attention, both nationally and in Arizona. Naturally, legislators have become aware of this issue and are attempting to push through laws that can help prevent elder abuse and neglect. Nursing homes, in particular, are one of the targets for prevention efforts.
Arizona agency failed to investigate nursing home complaints
Many people in Arizona are retired and aging. As people age it is common that more and more health concerns will arise. The body just does not function the same way it did when it was younger. People may suffer injuries, contract illnesses that affect their body and mind in some cases. This is an unfortunate fact of life for many people as they continue to grow older. While family members may step up and allow these loved ones to live with them and care for them, sometimes the illnesses require more supervision than family members can provide.
Victims of nursing home abuse could receive compensation
As people grow older, the body will not be as strong and people will experience more physical problems than they may have had when they were younger. Some of these physical problems will create a situation in which people are no longer able to care for themselves. In these situations, family members may need to move the loved one to assisted living or a nursing home so that they can receive the additional care that they need.