A Number of Ways

Standing Up For Those Charged With Assault
In Arizona, assault is a serious criminal offense. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the incident and the number of prior charges — if any — you may be facing anything from a misdemeanor to a felony charge.
A guilty verdict will not only lead to large fines and years in prison, but it will also permanently mark your criminal record. Even after serving time, people who have been convicted of felonies find it hard to get a job and housing, and permanently lose their right to vote and carry a gun.
Based in Tucson, The Reyna Law Firm, P.C., takes your criminal charges as seriously as you do. Led by former public defense attorney Ron Reyna, we thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding your arrest. If police unlawfully stopped you, lacked a valid search warrant or failed to properly give you your Miranda rights, we will fight to have evidence thrown out and charges dropped.
We never forget there is more to the story than what is written in the police report. We listen to our clients' side of the story and build strong, strategic legal defenses that help our clients protect their rights and obtain the best outcome possible.
Assault, theft, homicide and many other violent crimes are specific intent crimes. That means the prosecution must prove you had the specific intent to commit the criminal act. At The Reyna Law Firm, P.C., we undermine the prosecution's case by showing our clients lacked this required intent and force prosecution to reduce or drop our clients' criminal charges.
Our law firm has successfully represented clients faced with a wide range of criminal charges, including:
- Assault, including aggravated assault
- Sexual assault
- Theft crimes, including burglary, robbery and grand theft auto
- Homicide, including murder and manslaughter
Protect Your Innocence. Contact The Reyna Law Firm, P.C.
Contact the Tucson assault defense lawyer Ron Reyna at The Reyna Law Firm, P.C., to protect your rights, your freedom and your future. Call our law office at 520-784-7200 for a free consultation. Se habla español.